Start Your day with Hare Krishna! Always remember and never forget!
Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna
Hare Hare
Hare Rama
Rama Rama
This article was published by F18News on: 18 October 2006 BELARUS: Foreign religious workers out? The Hare Krishna community is among those unable to invite foreign citizens as they do not have the required ten registered religious communities.While a more recent phenomenon than in neighbouring Russia, an increasing number of foreign religious workers are finding themselves barred from Belarus, Forum 18 News Service has found. In addition to tight legal restrictions on what foreign religious workers may do if permitted to enter the country, their activity is reportedly closely monitored by the state authorities. Foreign citizens whose official reason for being in Belarus is other than religious work run the risk of being reprimanded or even expelled if they participate in the organisational life of a religious community.... 26.10.06
This article was published by F18News on: 3 August 2006 Belarus has officially rejected the United Nations Human Rights Committee's finding that it has violated its citizens' religious freedom, by refusing to register a nation-wide Hare Krishna association, Forum 18 News Service has found. The authorities argue, repeating arguments they made in 2004, that their refusal was "justified" because it was in accordance with Belarusian law. Notably, Belarus fails in its response to address the UN Committee's finding that a requirement for state-approved physical premises to gain legal registration is "a disproportionate limitation of the Krishna devotees' right to manifest their religion," under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. ... 26.10.06
This article was published by F18News on: 4 November 2005 Belarus has yet to meet a 12 November deadline, set by a UN committee, for confirming the correction of a religious freedom violation against Hare Krishna devotees, Forum 18 News Service has learnt. In a decision with implications for other religious communities (such as the New Life charismatic church), the UN Human Rights Committee found that Belarus had violated citizens' rights under the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights by refusing to register a nation-wide Hare Krishna association... 26.10.06
This article was published by F18News on: 24 June 2003 Pentecostal and Hare Krishna representatives have so far failed in their bid to have the education ministry withdraw a textbook which they say incites religious discord. The book for 18-year-old children, published by the Education Ministry last year, warns that Baptist, Pentecostal, Adventist and Jehovah's Witness activity is a breeding-ground for fanaticism.... 4.12.05
BELARUS: "Just silence" reply to UN deadline Belarus has not met a 12 November deadline, set by the United Nations Human Rights Committee, to report its correction of a violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). In a decision with implications for many religious communities, Belarus was found to have violated two Hare Krishna devotees' religious freedom rights by refusing to register a nationwide Hare Krishna association.... 4.12.05
Will UN decision help religious communities? [4 November 2005]: Belarus has yet to meet a 12 November deadline, set by a UN committee, for confirming the correction of a religious freedom violation against Hare Krishna devotees, Forum 18 News Service has learnt.... 10.11.2005
Will UN decision help religious communities? [4 November 2005]: Belarus has yet to meet a 12 November deadline, set by a UN committee, for confirming the correction of a religious freedom violation against Hare Krishna devotees, Forum 18 News Service has learnt....
UN Blames Belarusian Authorities [Sep 19 2005]: The UN human rights committee made a decision on a claim of founders of a religious organization “Krishna Consciousness” Siarhiej Malahouski and Alaksandar Pikula. International quasi court declared that the refusal to register this religious organization in 2002 by the Belarusian... 5.10.2005
UN Blames Belarusian Authorities [Sep 19 2005]: The UN human rights committee made a decision on a claim of founders of a religious organization “Krishna Consciousness” Siarhiej Malahouski and Alaksandar Pikula. International quasi court declared that the refusal to register this religious organization in 2002 by the Belarusian...
The Human Rights Committee, established under article 28 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Meeting on 26 July 2005, Having concluded its consideration of communication No. 12/07/2003, submitted to the Human Rights Committee by Sergei Malakhovsky and Alexander Pikul under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,... 18.09.05
The text of welcoming speech presented by the Ambassador of India to devotees of Minsk temple on Gaura Purnima.>>>>
"Krishna Consciousness in Minsk. New Jaipur"- the site of the Minsk Community of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness Site Designed, Maintained & Developed by bhakta Dmitry (Das) Copyright © 2005